Biodiversity Working Group Open Day report

Brundall Parish Council’s Biodiversity Working Group (BWG) held a successful open day on the 27th January at the Memorial Hall.   A presentation was given on the importance of biodiversity and on the activities that the BWG have been engaged in over the past year to assess biodiversity in Brundall.  There was also an exhibition illustrating the results of biodiversity surveys carried by the group at Church Fen, Cremers Meadow, Low Farm Wood, and the Countryside Park.  The BWG also presented the findings of a breeding birds survey at key sites in Brundall and a Biodiversity Audit of the whole Parish.

The open day was well attended and many of the visitors signed up to receive further information on the future work of the BWG.

For further information about Brundall’s Biodiversity Working Group, please contact: [email protected]

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